On the authority of Abû Ruqayyah Tameem ibn Aus ad-Dȃree (رضي الله عنه), Rasûlullȃh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“The Deen (religion) is Naseehah (good advice)”. We said “To whom?” He said “To Allȃh and His Book, and His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common people.” [Related by Muslim]
WellWishers is a UK registered charity which formed in 2013 that aims to help humanity, foster good relations and improve the wellbeing of the community.
What do we do?
- We regularly hold events in relation to issues that need addressing
- We offer a graphical approach using interactive tools and visual aids to ease learning and understanding
- We plan to campaign on issues which would benefit the community
- We provide resources, tools and downloads
Our Aims
To benefit the public through, but not limited to, the following means:
- Holding prayer services and lectures
- Contributing to the spiritual and moral education of children and adults
- Contributing towards a better society by promoting social cohesion
100+% Donation Policy
We have a strict 100% donation policy. In fact, that is the absolute minimum.
What this means is that not only do we ensure every penny donated is spent on the cause/campaign, but on some campaigns this is increased by up to approximately 20% via gift aid.
For example, we decided to donate all of the gift aid received on Eidgah/Musallȃ donations directly to that campaign.
Transparency and Accountability
Every penny is fully accounted for, and the accounts are independently audited by qualified accountants and published.
Our website content including tools has been reviewed by scholars both internal and external to ensure correctness and validity. If you have any questions or feedback regarding the content on our website, please feel free to get in touch.