Zakâh Calculator Guide

Zakâh Calculator Guide

This guide will help you use our Zakâh Calculator, so that you can accurately calculate your Zakâh and fulfil this important obligation.

Nisâb Date

Before you begin, it's important to fix a nisâb date. This is the lunar date when you first reached nisâb. This nisâb figure changes daily, so it's important to check this value. We have nisâb prices available on this website (updated daily). Please see Zakâh Nisâb and Mahr Prices - Daily Updates for more information.

If you're unsure what your nisâb date is, estimate to the best of your ability. If this is not possible, fix a lunar date and stick to it, e.g. 1st Ramadhân.

Please note that Zakâh is only due on the surplus assets that you possess on the nisâb date. In any of the sections, if you've already spent the money, Zakâh will not be due on that amount.


You have 2 sets of options:

  • Change the currency to £, $ or €. This will automatically choose the appropriate nisâb value and gold/silver values.
  • Choose to either let the calculator work out the value of the gold/silver or enter it yourself. See the gold/silver section for more information.

Cash/Bank Account

Include all cash in your possession whether on your person, in your pocket or wallet, in your bank accounts or even hidden in your home (e.g. under the mattress!). Also include online accounts such as Paypal or Google Wallet.

Money lent to others

This is considered a strong debt and you are liable to pay Zakâh on it every year, though you may not be obligated to pay until you receive a portion of the loan. Please consult a scholar for further guidance if you are unsure or ask in the comments below.

For the purposes of this calculator, include the amount that is due to you or find out on exactly how much you are obligated to pay now and include it here.

Bad Debts

If the person you have lent the money to refuses to acknowledge the debt (and you have no proof), has been declared bankrupt or you have no hope of ever recovering your debt, it can be written off as a bad debt. It would then not be subject to Zakâh.

Debts owed to others

You can normally deduct the whole amount if it is a personal loan (e.g. borrowed from friends/family). However, if it is a long-term or instalment-based loan, please do not include it here.

Long term debts (12 months)

Include all long-term/instalment-based debts here, e.g. mortgages, student loans. You're allowed to deduct debts due within the next 12 lunar months (approximately 354 days) only. Do not include the entire debt. However, any interest due on the debts must not be included as it is completely Harâm (forbidden). In this case, one should also make repentance for having involved oneself in an interest-based transaction.

Please note that not all home purchase plans are considered debt for Zakâh purposes, e.g. ijârah and diminishing mushârakah payments cannot be deducted except for any rental payments already due.

Rent/taxes/bills currently due

Include any bills that are already due, but haven't been paid yet, e.g. electricity, gas, water, phone, broadband. If the rent is already due, it can be included here. Likewise with a tax bill and any other legitimate expense, bill or charge that has already been incurred.


If you would like the calculator to work out the gold value for you, first select the weight (tola or grams) and enter the weight of your gold assets. The value of your gold will be worked out for you automatically. Note that we assume 24ct (pure) gold. If you have a mixture, please obtain the value(s) elsewhere, select "Already have value" from the Gold/Silver calculation option and then enter the total value.


If you would like the calculator to work out the silver value for you, enter the number of grams of silver you possess. The value of your silver will be worked out for you automatically. If you already have a value for your silver assets, please select "Already have value" from the Gold/Silver calculation option and then enter this value here.

Business Goods/Stock

Anything which you bought with the intention to resell is considered business stock and, therefore, subject to Zakâh. If you change your intention and no longer intend to resell, it would not be considered business stock. Usually, you would not include assets such as tools, machinery, vehicles and land unless they were purchased with the intention to resell. Remember to value your stock at the retail/selling price, not the cost/purchase price.

Business Cash

Assuming you keep your business cash separate from your personal cash, include it here. If you've already included it within Cash/Bank Accounts, do not enter it here.

Rental income

Again, only include if not already included in any of the cash/money sections above.

Rents/taxes/bills due now

Here you would add any business rents, rates, taxes, bills, expenses, credit purchases, etc. that have already been incurred, are due now and have not yet been paid. Make sure you've not already included any of these above already.


If you've already received your pension, include the amount that you possess here unless you've already included it above.

If you have yet to receive it, but it is invested on your behalf, it would be considered for Zakâh purposes and you should include its value here.

Please consult a scholar for further guidance. Also note that some pension schemes may be impermissible, so it would be wise to double-check.


If you intend to resell, include the whole value of your shares. If you only intend to keep as an investment, you will need to work out the Zakâtable assets of the company/ies in question. That would be the cash, gold, silver, goods, livestock and agriculture that the company possesses divided by your share of the company. In either case, you would also need to add the dividends earned unless you've already included it in one of the previous sections.


The result (how much Zakâh you have to pay) will appear on the right for larger screens/desktop or below for mobiles/tablets. It will update automatically as you type. The calculator will also automatically select the correct nisâb (gold or silver) depending on the assets you own/possess.

And Allâh knows best.

Access the Zakâh Calculator



For paying zakat, is it compulsory that a person having 7.5 tola gold or 52 tola silver?

As i have 5 tola gold, no silver, reselling purpose cattles (amounting 2 lac) , monthly salary 45000, in bank 4 lac, loan given to family/friends calculating 1 lakh and 1 lac in cash

Is zakat is due for me? Plz guide me in best manner


For paying zakat, is it compulsory that a person having 7.5 tola gold or 52 tola silver?

No unless you only possess gold only or silver only and nothing else upon which Zakat is paid.

Is zakat is due for me?

Yes, Zakât would be due. Since you have mixed assets (gold, cash, business stock), you would use the lower nisâb (which is the silver nisâb). If you input these amounts into the Zakâh Calculator, you should see that it automatically selects the correct nisâb for you.


i have empty land & i hsve 2house..1house is given to rent onether house is given without rent for my brother
how to calculate zakath pls.


If the land is not for resale, then no Zakah is due upon the land.

Likewise with the houses, if they're for personal use or as an investment (for rental income only, not for resale), then no Zakah is due upon the properties. However, any rental income that you still possess on your nisab date would have to be included in your Zakah calculation.


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