
Guides to some of our popular tools. These help describe how to use them including step-by-step instructions, descriptions of features and any troubleshooting issues.

MLM/Pyramid Scheme Population Calculator Walk-Through Example and Guide

MLM Pyramid Scheme

This guide will help you use our MLM/Pyramid Scheme Population Calculator. You should find this tool useful in exposing the fallacy and absurdity of Multi-Level Marketing and pyramid schemes. In particular, it may be useful to protect our loved ones from these fraudulent and unethical schemes. Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions.

Gold Value Calculator Guide

Gold Value Calculator
This guide provides instructions and helpful hints in how to use the Gold Value Calculator to calculate the value of your gold.

Unpaid Zakâh Calculator Guide

Unpaid Zakâh Calculator Guide icon
The accompanying guide to our Unpaid Zakâh Calculator which describes how to use the calculator and what you would use it for.

Historical Nisâb Tool Guide

Historical nisâb tool guide image

This guide will help you use our Historical Nisâb Tool. You may find this tool useful in case of missed Zakâh in the past, to work out if you need to pay Zakâh (whether you were above nisâb or not last year) or simply for research purposes. Let us know if you find it useful.

Zakâh Calculator Guide

Zakâh Calculator Guide
This guide will help you use our Zakâh Calculator, so that you can accurately calculate your Zakâh and fulfil this important obligation.
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