Gold Value Calculator Guide

Gold Value Calculator

This guide will help you use our Gold Value Calculator.

Why would I need this calculator?

The gold prices available (and included within the Zakâh Calculator) are for pure (24-carat) gold. You may find this calculator useful if you have a mixture of different carats of gold. It can calculate the value of each and add them together to provide you with the total value of your gold. Let us know if you find it useful.

Choose grams, tola or troy ounce

You can enter your weights for each carat in any of these three weight measures: grams (the default), tola (common in the Indian sub-continent) and troy ounce (a common measure for gold/silver).

Update (June 2018): Added Pakistani tola to differentiate from the Indian tola.

Select currency

This is fairly self-explanatory. There are currently only 3 currencies available as historical prices are only available for these 3 currencies.

Update (May 2015): Like the other Zakâh tools, added 3 more currencies: Indian rupees, Pakistani rupees and Malaysian ringgits. Only current values/prices are available for these currencies.

Update (October 2016): 50 currencies now supported.

Select the date (optional)

The default (and assumed) date is today (or the previous Friday if a weekend), i.e. the latest price of gold. You only need to select a date if you need historical valuations. If you need a weekend date, select the Friday preceding that date (markets are closed on Fridays, so no prices are available on weekends and the last price on Friday is assumed).

Common carats only or all?

By default, input boxes for only the 4 most common carats are displayed. If you have other carats, choose All carats to display the rest.

Enter the weight of gold

For each carat, enter the weight of your gold for that carat. You will need to find out the fineness of your gold, separate out your gold and then weigh each set. You may need to purchase or borrow more precise scales for a more accurate valuation.

Why no 9ct or 10ct?

For Zakâh purposes, only the gold which has 50% or more gold content is considered. Anything below 12-carat is not considered as gold for Zakâh purposes.


When the page is reloaded with the results, you will notice that the input form is "hidden". You only need to click Gold Value to display the form to change your options.

Your results will appear in a table with a row for each carat you have entered which will display the weight (you entered) and the value of each carat that you possess(ed). Finally, at the bottom, there will be a total for the gold valuation of all of your gold.

If you have any feedback or notice any issues, please get in touch.

And Allâh knows best.

Access the Gold Value Calculator


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