بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
Since this is the very first post, it would only be right to start off by explaining what constitutes Naseehah, its significance in Islâm and what relevance it has to wellwishing (and hence the name of this charity). What better way to achieve this than by means of a famous Hadeeth?
On the authority of Abu Ruqayyah Tameem ibn Aus ad-Dâree (رضي الله عنه) that Rasoolullâh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) said:
“The Deen (religion) is Naseehah (good advice)”. We said “To whom?” He said “To Allâh and His Book, and His Messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common people.” [Related by Muslim]
An-naseehah, in a nutshell, means giving good advice sincerely in an effort to benefit the one being given the advice. The "Deen is Naseehah" means that the Deen (religion) is all about wanting good for oneself and others; by adopting the Deen, one is ultimately benefiting from a peaceful life in this world and eternal bliss in the hereafter.
Each of the categories regarding whom Naseehah applies in the above Hadeeth are given hereunder:-
- To Allâh
- To have Imaan (firm belief) on Allah; not to ascribe any partners to Him; to understand that He is free from all faults
- To obey Him, fear Him and to worship Him alone
- To love for His sake and to hate for His sake
- To be grateful for the favours He has bestowed
- To have sincerity in all actions, i.e. to perform every action solely for Him
- To call others towards, and to want that everyone accepts, the above
Note: Allâh is free from needing any Naseehah; in reality, all the above are for one's own benefit
- To His Book
- To have Imân that the Qur-ân is the Word of Allâh and not a creation of His, revealed from Him
- To believe that the speech of the creation can never match it in its excellence and that no-one from the creation can reproduce anything similar to it
- To treat it with utmost respect and to fulfil its rights: to have full conviction in what is conveyed within; to recite it as it was revealed (with tajweed/tarteel); to take all possible steps to learn its meanings to enable one to ponder over its messages; to act upon it as much as one is able to and to spread its knowledge
- To His Messenger
- To have Imân in the risâlah (prophethood) of Rasoolullâh (صلى الله عليه وسلم) and to believe in everything he was sent with and said
- To follow his orders and to refrain from that which he has prohibited
- To help his cause in every way possible
- To revive his Sunnah, ways and manners
- To have the highest respect for him (may our parents be sacrificed for him)
- To spread his message far and wide
- To seek 'ilm (knowledge) and to keep quiet regarding that which one has no knowledge
- To endeavour to uphold his morals and lofty character
- To love his family and companions and to bear no ill-will towards any of them (رضي الله عنهم)
- To the Leaders of the Muslims -
This either refers to (a) rulers/Caliphs or (b) 'ulamâ- Rulers
- To help them when they are on the truth and to obey them as long as what they order is within the boundaries of the sharee'ah
- To remind them, when possible, about their responsibilities with kind words and in a mild-mannered fashion
- To ensure they fulfil the rights of the common people under their rule and not to rebel against them
- Scholars
- To accept their rulings
- To follow them
- To respect them and hold good thoughts about them
- Rulers
- To the Common Muslims
- To guide them towards that which is good for them in both worlds
- To work towards preventing any difficulty befalling them
- To teach them that which they know not
- To overlook and cover their faults
- To enjoin them to do good and forbid them from evil with sincerity and kind words
- To respect their elders and show mercy towards their young ones
- To refrain from deceiving, backbiting or slandering them; to not be jealous of them in any way
- To love for them what one loves for oneself; to hate for them what one hates for oneself
- To work towards ensuring they also bring into practice all the types of Naseehah discussed above
Note: Most of the above has been taken from the commentary of Saheeh Muslim by the respected Imâm An-Nawawi (رحمه الله).
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