
Zakât is a pillar of Islâm.

Fiqh of Zakâh - Masjid Ali, Bolton

Fiqh of Zakah event - Masjid Ali, Bolton
Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more including examples. Ask your questions in the Q&A.
Saturday, 24 April, 2021 - 19:40
Masjid Ali, 396 Wigan Road, Bolton, BL3 4QH

Fiqh of Zakâh: Masjid Ali, Bolton

Fiqh of Zakâh - Masjid Ali, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more

Friday, 17 May, 2019 - 20:00
Masjid Ali, 396 Wigan Road, Bolton, BL3 4QH

Fiqh of Zakâh - Ar-Rahmân Masjid, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more including examples.

Opportunity to have your Zakâh questions answered too.

Saturday, 10 June, 2017 - 20:15
Ar-Rahmân Masjid, 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AE

Fiqh of Zakâh - Aleef Masjid, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more including examples.

Ask your questions in the Q&A.

Saturday, 3 June, 2017 - 20:15
Aleef Masjid, 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3AJ

Preparation for Ramadhan - Masjid Aleef, Bolton

Preparation for Ramadhan
An event to prepare for Ramadhan including dos and don'ts, health tips and fiqh of fasting and Zakah.
Friday, 26 May, 2017 - 19:30
Masjid Aleef, 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3AJ

Silver/Weight Value Calculator

Silver/Weight Value Calculator

A calculator which helps work out the value of (your) silver.

Key features:
- current and past valuations
- multiple currencies support
- multiple weight measures

Can be used to calculate:
- calculate the value of your silver
- work out the value of amounts mentioned in Hadeeth
- work out fractions of nisab quantum for "Zakah on debt" purposes

News: Our tools now use LBMA (international standard) prices for gold and silver

Gold/silver prices
We now use the internationally recognised prices for gold and silver as provided by The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) in our tools: - Nisâb/Mahr Prices - Zakâh Calculator - Gold Value Calculator - Historical Nisâb
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