'Eidgâh / Musallâ - Revive, fulfil and establish a forgotten Sunnah
Alhamdulillah, the Musallâ was a great success last year. We now hope to build on that with an even greater show of support from the Muslims of Bolton.
Sayyidunâ Abû Sa'îd al-Khudrî RadhiyAllâhu 'anh says: "The Messenger of Allâh SallAllâhu 'alayhi wasallam would go out on the Day of Fitr and Adh-Hâ to the Musallâ ('Eidgâh)." [1]
Praying Eid salâh in the musallâ is an emphasised Sunnah. One of the key goals of praying 'Eid Salâh in the Musallâ is to gather the largest number of people in one place. For more information on why we should pray at the Musallâ, please see Eid Salâh at the Musallâ: A Forgotten Sunnah.
With a view to reviving, fulfilling and establishing this important Sunnah, Alhamdulillâh, a Musallâ has once again been arranged in Bolton at the same venue. The people of Bolton have the opportunity to gain a tremendous reward by fulfilling this Sunnah.
VENUE: Deane & Derby Cricket Club, Sunnyside Park, Chelsea Road, Bolton, BL3 3BA
DATE: Friday 17th or Saturday 18th (depending on sighting of moon)
7:45am: Speech
8:15am: Salâh and Khutbah
There's 3 ways in which you could help:
Please make du'â for the continued success of the Musallâ ('Eidgâh) and to keep us steadfast upon the Sunnah.
Arranging the Musallâ does not come without some costs, e.g. an all-weather Marquee to protect against the elements (to hold over 1000 people), speaker/PA system and council fees. You can donate in 1 of 2 ways:
- Gather money from friends and family and pass on the raised amount to the 'Eid Musallâ organisers.
- Donate on the day in one of the bright orange buckets.
Raise awareness
Please help spread the word! Share with (via social media or word of mouth) and encourage all your contacts, friends, relatives and acquaintances. Make sure they don't miss out.
JazâkAllâhu khayran for your support.
[1] al-Bukhârî, Muslim, An-Nasâî
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