Emergency Afghanistan Appeal

Map of Aghanistan

The people of Afghanistan desperately need our help. With no food or money and nothing to protect them from the harsh winter, millions are facing starvation. With assets frozen and international aid halted, there is almost universal poverty and over half the country suffers from hunger with millions close to famine levels.

This is an emergency appeal to help the Muslim children and our brothers and sisters in Afghanistan.

Each parcel of £100 will provide essential food items to feed a family for 2 months as well as winter supplies to protect them from the cold.

We are aiming to raise £5000 for a total of 50 parcels to help 50 needy families this winter.

Each parcel contains the following:

Parcel contents
1.50kg wheat flour
2.24.5kg rice
3.10 litre cooking oil
4.7kg red beans
5.7kg pulses
6.2kg green tea
7.10kg sugar
8.2kg salt
9.3 blankets

Please donate wholeheartedly to this worthy cause. You may also donate Zakah and Sadaqah Wajibah.

JazakAllahu khayra.

Deadline: 20/02/2022

Donate via bank transfer:
Account name: WellWishers
Sort Code: 20-10-71
Account Number: 53939375
Reference: Afghanistan

or online via TotalGiving:

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