Cigarettes and Shisha: The Facts - Zakariyya Masjid, Bolton

Cigarettes and Shisha: The Facts

Smoking and Shisha – The Facts presentation from an Islamic and Medical perspective presented by a Scholar and a Medical Professional (GP).


An event to describe the harms and effects of smoking cigarettes and shisha from an Islamic and medical perspective and tips on how to quit.

Discover the harms of smoking to the body, health, to one's deen, to others and to the society and environment.



6:20 Isha
6:45 Welcome / Recitation
6:55 Introduction
7:00 Medical Perspective
7:30 Islamic Perspective
8:00 Du'a and Food

Venue: Zakariyya Masjid, Peace Street, Bolton

Date: Sunday 15th November after Isha (6:20)

Separate entrance and seating for sisters.

Food will be served after the programme to all participants.


Sunday, 15 November, 2015 - 06:20


Zakariyya Masjid
20 Peace Street

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