
Fiqh of Zakâh - Darul Quran, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more including examples.

Tuesday, 21 June, 2016 - 20:30
Al Jamia Darul Quran, 454-460 Bridgeman Street, Bolton, BL3 6TJ

Fiqh of Zakâh - Ar-Rahmân Masjid, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Zakâh, when, how and why it's payable, how much, who pays and can receive and more including examples.

Monday, 20 June, 2016 - 20:15
Ar-Rahmân Masjid, 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AE

'Aqîdah (Beliefs) - What every Muslim must know Part 1/2 - Masjid Falah, Bolton

An 'Aqîdah/Beliefs event. Part 1 of 2.

Learn about:
- what every Muslim must know
- the importance of correct 'Aqîdah
- avoiding common misconceptions and false ideologies
- pillars of îmân
- and more...

Saturday, 18 June, 2016 - 20:30
Masjid Falah, 17 Salisbury Street, Bolton, BL3 5DR

Smoking Cigarettes and Shisha: The Facts - Masjid Ali, Bolton

Smoking Cigarettes and Shisha – The Facts presentation from an Islamic and Medical perspective presented by Scholars and Medical Professionals.

Describes the harms and effects of smoking cigarettes and shisha from an Islamic and medical perspective and tips on how to quit.

Thursday, 16 June, 2016 - 20:45
Masjid Ali, 396 Wigan Road, Bolton, BL3 4QH

Making Ramadhân Productive - Masjid Ali, Bolton

A refresher on the importance of this blessed month, guidance on how best to spend Ramadhân, dos and don'ts and Ramadhân health tips.

Sunday, 12 June, 2016 - 20:45
Masjid Ali, 396 Wigan Road, Bolton, BL3 4QH

Fiqh of Fasting and How to have a Healthy Ramadhân - Ar-Rahman Masjid, Bolton

A 2-part presentation on the Fiqh of fasting and how to have a healthy Ramadhân.

Saturday, 11 June, 2016 - 20:15
Ar-Rahmân Masjid, 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AE

Practical demonstration of Salaah (Prayer) - Zakariyya Jaami' Masjid, Bolton

A practical demonstration of Salaah (Prayer).

Masa’ail (Rulings) pertaining to Salaah and common mistakes that people make in Salaah

Friday, 10 June, 2016 - 20:15
Zakariyya Masjid, 20 Peace Street, Bolton, BL3 5LJ

Visit My Mosque Initiative: Showcasing Charity Activities - Zakariyya Masjid, Bolton

Visit My Mosque #VisitMyMosque
As part of the national #VisitMyMosque initiative, we will be showcasing some of our activities for the benefit of the local community and to promote a greater understanding of Islam.
Sunday, 7 February, 2016 - 14:00 to 15:00
Zakariyya Masjid, 20 Peace Street, Bolton, BL3 5LJ

Simplified Islamic Finance: Radio Ihsaan, Bolton

Radio show event
An hour-long radio show simplifying some of the core concepts and basics of Islamic Finance including its importance, things to avoid and some common examples and practical solutions.
Friday, 1 January, 2016 - 20:00 to 21:00
Radio Ihsaan, 282 Derby Street, Bolton BL3 6LF

Learn the Basics of Zakâh: Radio Ihsaan, Bolton

Radio show event
An hour-long radio show covering the basics of Zakâh including its importance, who pays and receives, what we pay Zakâh on, when we pay Zakâh and how to calculate Zakâh.
Wednesday, 30 December, 2015 - 20:00 to 21:00
Radio Ihsaan, 282 Derby Street, Bolton BL3 6LF


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