
Does Abrogration (Naskh) Exist in the Qur-ân?

Question: A brother made some comment about abrogated verses in Al Qur'an Al Majeed. He said his beliefs are as explained by this person here

Could you please comment on whether the views espoused are compatible with our fiqh / aqeedah?

'Aqîdah (Beliefs) - What every Muslim must know Part 2/2 - Masjid Falah, Bolton

An 'Aqîdah/Beliefs event. Part 2 of 2.

Learn about:
- what every Muslim must know
- the importance of correct 'Aqîdah
- avoiding common misconceptions and false ideologies
- pillars of îmân
- and more...

Saturday, 2 July, 2016 - 20:30
Masjid Falah, 17 Salisbury Street, Bolton, BL3 5DR

'Aqîdah (Beliefs) - What every Muslim must know Part 1/2 - Masjid Falah, Bolton

An 'Aqîdah/Beliefs event. Part 1 of 2.

Learn about:
- what every Muslim must know
- the importance of correct 'Aqîdah
- avoiding common misconceptions and false ideologies
- pillars of îmân
- and more...

Saturday, 18 June, 2016 - 20:30
Masjid Falah, 17 Salisbury Street, Bolton, BL3 5DR

Ramadhân 1437/2016 Events

Ramadhân 1437 (2016) events
These are the confirmed and proposed events during Ramadhân events for 1437 (2016). Please try to participate and encourage others too.

Current List of Events

List of Events
This page will contain an updated list of events that we have held or presented in various locations.These free events are all available to be booked for your local Masjid or Islamic centre.

'Aqîdah (Beliefs) - What every Muslim must know - Masjid at-Towfiiq, Bolton

An 'Aqîdah/Beliefs event.

Learn about:
- what every Muslim must know
- the importance of correct 'Aqîdah
- avoiding common misconceptions and false ideologies
- pillars of îmân
- and more...

Thursday, 25 June, 2015 - 19:10
Masjid at-Towfiiq, 24 Punch Street, Bolton, BL3 5BJ

Ramadhân 1436/2015 Events

Ramadhân 1436/2015 Events
These are the confirmed and proposed events during Ramadhân events for 1436 (2015). Please try to participate and encourage others too.
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