
Preparation for Ramadhan - Masjid Aleef, Bolton

Preparation for Ramadhan
An event to prepare for Ramadhan including dos and don'ts, health tips and fiqh of fasting and Zakah.
Friday, 26 May, 2017 - 19:30
Masjid Aleef, 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3AJ

Does Abrogration (Naskh) Exist in the Qur-ân?

Question: A brother made some comment about abrogated verses in Al Qur'an Al Majeed. He said his beliefs are as explained by this person here youtu.be/rnCtYSV6X7g

Could you please comment on whether the views espoused are compatible with our fiqh / aqeedah?

Common Tajweed Mistakes event presentation

The presentation slides used during our Common Tajweed Mistakes event.

Common Tajweed Mistakes - Masjid Falah, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Tajweed and corrections of common mistakes in the pronunciation of letters, madd (stretching), waqf (stopping) and ibtida' (starting).

Sunday, 3 July, 2016 - 20:30
Masjid Falah, 17 Salisbury Street, Bolton, BL3 5DR

Common Tajweed Mistakes - Ar-Rahmân Masjid, Bolton

Learn about the importance of Tajweed and corrections of common mistakes.

Friday, 1 July, 2016 - 20:15
Ar-Rahmân Masjid, 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AE

The Qur-ân and its Transmission - Ar-Rahmân Masjid, Bolton

A brief look at the make-up of the Qur-ân, the Word of Allâh, its revelation, preservation and transmission, and its rights upon us.

Friday, 24 June, 2016 - 20:15
Ar-Rahmân Masjid, 2-14 Randal Street, Bolton, BL3 4AE

Ramadhân 1437/2016 Events

Ramadhân 1437 (2016) events
These are the confirmed and proposed events during Ramadhân events for 1437 (2016). Please try to participate and encourage others too.
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