An event to prepare for Ramadhan including dos and don'ts, health tips and fiqh of fasting and Zakah.
Friday, 26 May, 2017 - 19:30
Masjid Aleef, 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3AJ
It may come to you as no surprise... And guessing right won't win you a prize.
But obesity is here to stay... For the long run it wants to play.
It loves to cause major diseases... As much or as little as it pleases.
And when it's had about enough... It'll help you get to your last puff.
But why it is what it is, and how... These are questions that need answering now.
The burden of unnecessary weight will arguably be the largest global public health concern over the next century. There was a time when food was hard to come by, and people had to work hard to obtain it. Obesity was only seen amongst the wealthy privileged classes, and so a disease like diabetes was rare. Two things have happened in the past hundred years or so which has changed much in most of the developed world.
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