Youth Programme: Lessons from the Seerah
Speech, Qira-ah and Nasheed
Saturday, 14 October, 2017 - 18:18
Aleef Masjid, 8 Higher Swan Lane, Bolton, BL3 3AJ
This report briefly covers details of the Bolton Musallâ of Eid al-Fitr 1437 (2016), including an account of income and expenditure.
This report briefly covers details of the Bolton Musallâ of Eid al-AdhHâ 1436, including an account of income and expenditure.
The majority of Muslims in the West - if not the world - perform their 'Eid Salâh in the Masjid and consider this to be the recommended practice. The actual Sunnah is to perform it in an open field outside the inhabited area of the town or city, which is known as a Musallâ (or 'Eidgâh).
One thing is clear: Rasûlullâh SallAllâhu 'alayhi wasallam and the Khulafâ ar-Râshidoon (the rightly-guided Caliphs) used to perform the 'Eid Salâh in the Musallâ and it is for this reason that many of the 'ulamâ have stated that to perform Salâh at the Musallâ is an emphasised Sunnah. It is, therefore, the responsibility of the Muslims of each town/city to arrange for one, otherwise all the inhabitants would be held accountable.
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