Gold Value Calculator

For help and guidance in using this calculator, please see the Gold Value (for Zakâh) Calculator Guide.
If you need further help or wish to give feedback, please contact us or contact your local scholar for further guidance.

Please note that gold valuations are approximate based on the current or past gold price and do not take into account other alloy metals.

Gold Value
Please choose whether you wish to enter the weights in grams, tola (Indian/Pakistani) or troy ounce
(Optional) Please click on the icon to select a date. Please select a date between 01-01-1968 and 14-02-2025. If your date falls on a weekend, please choose the Friday before that date. Please leave blank to use the latest price
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 24 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 23 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 22 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 21.6 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 21 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 20 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 19 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 18 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 17 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 16 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 15 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 14 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 13 Carat
Please enter the weight of gold that you possess in 12 Carat


how much price of gold in pakistan


We have now added 3 more currencies: Pakistani & Indian rupees and Malaysian ringgits.

Please note that only current prices are available for these new currencies.


To get the price of gold in Pakistan:

- Select Pakistani Rupees from the currency drop-down.

- Leave the date blank.

- Enter the weight of your gold for each carat. If you're unsure, find out from a local jeweller or use 24ct as a precaution.

On submit, it will display the value of your gold in Pakistani rupees.


1 gram coins 10 number only


I very much appreciate your site =)

Added Pakistani tola to the calculator for those who use the Pakistani measure.

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