Zakâh Nisâb and Mahr prices - daily updates

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

This tool provides daily updated values for various important amounts based on the price of gold and silver.

Let us look at what each of them mean and the rationale behind some of these figures.


Nisâb is the threshold at which Zakâh becomes payable. The silver Nisâb is based on the price of 200 dirhams (currency used at the time of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم). The conversion used for 1 dirham to grams is 3.0618 [1], therefore the Nisâb figure is based on 612.36g of silver.

The gold Nisâb is based on the price of 20 Mithqâl. The conversion used for 1 mithqâl to grams is 4.374 [2], therefore the Nisâb figure is based on 87.48g of gold.

Gold Tola

Tola is a unit of weight/measurement mainly used in South Asia and is equivalent to approximately 11.6638g [3]. This is useful for those who possess gold and wish to work out the value of gold for their Zakâh calculations as the weight is often expressed in tolas. Please note, however, that the amount is given for pure gold. If the gold is not pure, you may need to find out the actual value of gold depending on the carat elsewhere or you can use our Gold Value Calculator.


Mahr (or Sadâq) is the dower or bridal gift given at the time of marriage from the husband to his new wife.

Mahr al-azwâj or Mahr azwâjin Nabiyy (مهر أزواج النبي - The dower of the wives of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) is the mahr given by the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم to his wives. This is the most preferable mahr to give and is recommended for those who can afford it. The amount is 500 dirhams which is equivalent to approximately 1530.9g of silver. This is established from authentic sources without any dispute.

Abu Salamah b. 'Abd ar-Rahmân reported: "I asked 'Â-ishah, the wife of Allâh's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم): 'What is the amount of dower of Allâh's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم)?' She said: 'It was twelve ûqiyyah and one nash.' She said: 'Do you know what is an-nash?' I said: 'No.' She said: 'It is half of ûqiyyah, and it amounts to five hundred dirhams, and that was the dower given by Allâh's Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) to his wives.'" [4]

Mahr Fâtimi is the mahr given by 'Ali رضي الله عنه to Fâtimah رضي الله عنها (the daughter of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم). Whilst, in principle, this can be considered commendable, yet there is no authentic source for the amount given and, therefore, much dispute and a few differences of opinion in the exact amount of Mahr Fâtimi. For this and a number of other reasons, we would strongly recommend Mahr al-Azwâj (for those who wish to follow the authentic Sunnah and can afford it) as noted above. For more information, please see What is the Sunnah/recommended mahr?.

However, for those interested, we have given a figure for Mahr Fâtimi of 400 Mithqâl (1749.6g). This is only one of the opinions. For the other opinions of 400 dirhams (1224.72g) and 480 dirhams (1469.664g), please see the 2nd table below.

The minimum mahr is exactly what it says. This is 10 dirhams (30.618g). The mahr must not be below this (no excuses here as it is currently very affordable for almost everyone).

Gold and silver prices

These are updated daily on weekdays only as markets are closed on weekends. They're updated hourly up to 5 times a day. We are considering moving to the gold/silver fix prices to use benchmark prices, inshâ Allâh.


We don't add VAT to our prices. See 10 Reasons Why We Don't Add VAT to our Zakâh Nisâb and Mahr Prices for more information.


  • The above discussion is according to the Hanafi fiqh.
  • The data is retrieved from an external source/3rd party. Whilst we regularly monitor prices, we cannot always guarantee the accuracy of the data we receive.
  • This tool is for guidance purposes only. It does not replace the need for scholarly guidance.

Allâh knows best.

[1] Awzân Shar-'iyyah (اوزان ﺷﺮﻋﯿﮧ): Mufti Muhammad Shafi رحمه الله
[2] ibid.
[4] Sahîh Muslim: Book of Marriage


Thanks useful article


Mashallah very informative website


the above are very informative, jazakallah


Good information. All the Muslims must knows.


If we have 12 tolla gold how much zakkat we payyad


Assuming you have pure gold, you can use the gold tola price for your currency found on this page. Multiply the value by 12 for the figure under 1 Gold Tola, so assuming you want the value in GBP, the current value (at the time of writing) is £279.18 multiplied by 12 = £3350.16. To obtain the amount of Zakâh, you need 2.5% which is equivalent to dividing by 40, so the amount due would be £83.75.

Alternatively, you can use our Zakâh Calculator which will make this calculation for you as part of your Zakâh calculation.

Note that the above assumes you have pure 24ct gold. If you have a mixture of different carats, you can use our Gold Calculator to get the exact value of your gold. Don't forget to divide by 40 or enter into the Zakâh Calculator to find out the amount of Zakâh due.

I hope this helps. If you need more assistance, reply here or use the contact form.

And Allâh knows best.


Assalamo alikom could you tel me about 1 toola. is it 10 gram or 12 gram ?


Wa alaykumus Salaam
See the Gold Tola section above:

Tola is a unit of weight/measurement mainly used in South Asia and is equivalent to approximately 11.6638g


MashaAllah very nice & informative site My prayers are with u


What is the zakath for 308.36grams of gold in sri Lankan rupees pls


Please use our Zakah Calculator.

At the time of this comment, (assuming 24ct gold) the value of your gold is 1,916,453.78 rupees.

The Zakah due upon this amount of gold is currently 47,911.34.

Note that as the value of gold and currencies fluctuate, this figure will change daily. You should check on your Zakah date for an accurate calculation.

Note also that you should combine all your Zakatable assets together to reach a complete calculation. Our Zakah Calculator guide may help.

If you have any further questions, please use the contact form or reply here.


Assalamualaykum wr wb

It appears the calculation for the above two are mixed up. Mahr Azwaj being 500 dirhams should be more than Mahr Fatimi rather than less. Please correct.




Wa 'alaykumus salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh

An explanation of the figures has been given in the article above. Out of the numerous opinions of Mahr Fatimi, we have used the highest figure for the headline figure in the main table, but we have also included the other opinions including the one you mention (480 dirhams) in the table below the main list.

...we have given a figure for Mahr Fâtimi of 400 Mithqâl (1749.6g). This is only one of the opinions. For the other opinions of 400 dirhams (1224.72g) and 480 dirhams (1469.664g), please see the 2nd table below.

However, as explained above, we would strongly recommend everyone to use Mahr Azwaj as opposed to Mahr Fatimi. For more details, see What is the Sunnah/recommended mahr?


AssalaamWW. Mashallah very helpful tool. Any chance of adding the price per gram figures for gold and silver.
Jzk. Musa


Wa alaykumus Salaam.

JazakAllahu khayran for your suggestion.

For the sake of brevity and to avoid having too many prices in one place, we've only restricted the tool to the most important figures.

If you want the price per gram for gold and silver, you can use one of our other tools:

Gold Value Calculator

Silver/Weight Value Calculator

Zakah Calculator - although not the main purpose of the tool, but if you select grams, you can enter "1" for both gold and silver to display the price per gram figures in one place.

Hope this helps.


Do your prices for Mehr include VAT or not? Both Mehr Fatima and Mehr Azwajun Nabi are based on the price of the price silver (per gram) which is charged with VAT in UK. The tables don’t make it clear.

No, we don't add VAT. We've added an explanation why as mentioned in the main article.

We don't add VAT to our prices. See 10 Reasons Why We Don't Add VAT to our Zakâh Nisâb and Mahr Prices for more information.


i have round about 11 tola which 7 are of my haq much zakaat is due on me?

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