بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله
Here are some abridged khutbahs, taken from various sources. These are ideal for Imâms, students at universities and Muslims travelling to places where they will be required to lead the Jumu'ah prayer.
Key to a successful khutbah
Some of the essentials, I would say, are that the:
- Preparation is done well in advance, for preparation is key!
- Khutbah is in Arabic (I know this is a contentious one but anything less than Arabic just does not feel right; as for those who don't understand it, how about learning it?)
- Topic of the khutbah should be relevant to the day
- Non-Arabic talk before khutbah, if applicable, should be on the same topic (as the Arabic khutbah)
- Khutbah is not sung (please!) but spoken in an oratory manner (as is the Sunnah)
- Khutbah is read through beforehand (can be detected in the confidence, or lack thereof, of the preacher)
- Khutbah is understood in its entirety by the khateeb
- Khutbah is grammatically correct
These khutub will, inshâ-Allâh, be updated over the coming weeks and months so please bookmark this page and/or follow us on our social media accounts to be kept updated.