Here we'll upload relevant material (presentations, handouts, notes, etc.) for the events and presentations.
These will, inshâ-Allâh, be updated over the coming weeks and months so please bookmark this page and/or follow us on our social media accounts to be kept updated.
The presentation slides used during our Common Tajweed Mistakes event.
The presentation slides used during our Wills and Inheritance event.
Any comments and feedback appreciated.
The presentation slides used during our "Fiqh of Fasting" event.
Covers the rules of fasting and the things that could break the fast, and more.
All comments/feedback are appreciated.
The presentation slides used during our "Make the Most of Ramadhân" event.
An important reminder on how best to spend the blessed month of Ramadhân including the dos and don'ts.
All comments/feedback are appreciated.
The presentation slides used during our "'Aqîdah (Beliefs) - What every Muslim must know" event.
Note that some of these slides require further explanation, so it's best used as a reference after having attended the presentation.
We hope you find this useful.
All comments/feedback are appreciated.
Update (01/08/2015): Updated the download file with the latest version used during Ramadhân.
The presentation slides used during our "Detox and Revitalise" event, giving health tips and advice for Ramadhan and fasting.
Update (26/08/15): Updated the presentation file with the latest version used during Ramadhan 1436/2015.
The presentation slides used during our "What Makes a Good Muslim" event.
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