What is the price of gold when calculating zakat?

Please confirm the price of Gold on which zakat is to be calculated for this year.


The price of gold changes daily, so the answer to your question depends on when you calculate your Zakâh.

Our Zakâh nisâb prices tool has the latest updated prices for both the gold and silver nisâb. Depending on whether you're viewing on a desktop or a mobile, the prices for nisâb and gold tola should display on the right or below respectively.

If you look at our Zakâh Calculator, under Gold, you can select either tola or grams and then just enter the weight of the gold and it should work out both the value and the Zakâh due automatically. This assumes 24ct (pure) gold. If you possess lower carat gold, you will need to obtain these from your local jeweller. For more information, please see the Zakâh calculator guide.

And Allâh knows best.

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