Q & A: A new question and answer section on the site

Question and Answers - Q&A

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

We are pleased to announce that our new Q&A section is now live. It allows any site visitor to easily ask questions which will, inshâ-Allâh, be answered by one of our scholars.

We have already received a few questions based around the content of our site (mainly Zakâh-related questions). You will notice that these have already been answered and added to the Q&A.

Ask a Question form

How to ask a question

The ask a question form appears on every Q&A page including any individual question page making it easily accessible.

In the Question box, just enter your question in one sentence. It doesn't have to be complete; just something which gives an idea of what the question is about.

If you would like to be notified by email when your question is answered, enter your email in the Notification email box. Alternatively, if you'd prefer not to provide an email address, you can check the site later to see if your question has been answered. It should appear on the site as soon as it has been answered.

In the Detailed question text box, you can provide more details. Try to be concise, but include all relevant details.

Q & A guidelines

Site visitors are encouraged to ask questions. However, please note the following guidelines:

  • Please only ask relevant, useful questions which pertain to you or someone you know and is of benefit.
  • We will try to be universal in our answers but, for fiqh-related questions, the questions will be answered according to Hanafi fiqh.
  • We reserve the right to modify or refuse to answer any question which we deem not fit for publication on the site.
  • If appropriate, we may answer a question privately and not publish. This can only be possible if you provide an email address.
  • We will endeavour to answer all questions in a timely manner, but we can offer no guarantee on time-scales.

We hope you find this new section useful. As ever, any suggestions or feedback are appreciated.



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