The Right Way is the Only Way

Right Hand is the way forward

Every time we carry out an action do we ever stop and think if it has been done correctly? A Muslim attempts to emulate his beloved Messenger SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wasallam in each and every one of his actions.

One of the great Sunan of Rasûlullȃh SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wasallam was to do everything good with his right hand or beginning from the right. 'Â-ishah RadhiyAllȃhu 'anhȃ relates that Rasûlullȃh SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wasallam used to like to start with the right side when putting on his sandals, combing his hair, engaging in his ritual purifications, and in all of his activities. [1]

Many times, we will eat with our right hand but then drink with our left without realising that we're discarding the Sunnah. In the vast majority of cases, this is not done intentionally but due to a lack of concern and significance given to the importance of this Sunnah.

There is still hope. We can very easily rectify our incorrect habits by scrutinising every action before it is carried out and ensuring it is done in the same manner as that shown to us by our beloved Messenger SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wa sallam. Thereafter, we will certainly see the difference. We should never consider an action from the Sunnah to be trivial. Once a person realises the importance of a Sunnah, they will make their utmost effort in carrying out the action in the correct manner.

It may be difficult if an individual has become accustomed to a bad habit. However, if we are persistent and willing to change our ways then by making the effort we will see a difference very quickly. Those of us who are parents or guardians have a great responsibility. We should ensure that our children are nurtured and made to understand the importance of adopting the Sunnah. This will have a great impact on their future, ensuring that they will hold fast to the Sunnah. We should continuously remind them in a gentle manner to eat and drink with their right hand, to wear their footwear beginning with their right foot and to take off their footwear beginning with their left foot, etc.

We can appreciate the importance of upholding the Sunnah - and, in particular, that of eating with the right hand - if we consider the following Hadîth: Salamah bin Akwah RadhiyAllȃhu 'anh reports that once a person was eating with his left hand in the presence of Rasûlullȃh SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wasallam so he said to him: "Eat with your right hand." He [the person] replied: "I am unable to do so." Rasûlullȃh SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wa sallam said to him: "May you never be able to", for nothing prevented him except pride from eating with his right hand. Thereafter, he was never able to lift his right hand to his mouth. [2] His right hand became paralysed due to his being too arrogant to follow the truth and his not observing the proper etiquette that was due in the presence of the best of mankind, SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wa sallam.

For those who struggle, the first task is to make a concerted effort to eat with our right hand. The second point is to ask Allȃh Ta'ȃlȃ to grant us the strength and ability to eat according to the Sunnah and only to please Him. Thirdly, while we are eating, we should try to encourage others to eat with the right hand. Inshȃ-Allȃh, if we are true and sincere for our love for the Sunnah, Allȃh Ta'ȃlȃ will definitely grant us the ability to practise upon this Sunnah.

In conclusion, we need to make an effort to adopt the ways, methods and practices of our beloved Messenger SallAllȃhu 'alayhi wa sallam and be constantly alert and focused when we carry out our daily actions. This will help us strengthen our obedience to our Lord and also assist us in fulfilling our responsibility and build our connection with Him.

[1] Sahîh al-Bukhȃri and Muslim
[2] Sahîh Muslim



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