Current List of Supported Currencies

25+ supported currencies

بسم الله والحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله

This page will contain an updated list of supported currencies in our tools (Daily Updated Nisâb/Mahr Prices, the Zakâh Calculator and the Gold Value Calculator). Historical prices are only available for 3 currencies, so the Historical Nisâb Tool only supports the first 3 currencies.

These original 3 currencies (pounds, dollars & euros) appear first followed by all the additional currencies in alphabetical order (by currency code).


Supported currencies
No.CurrencyISO codeCurrency Symbol
1British PoundsGBP £
2US DollarsUSD $
4UAE DirhamsAEDد.إ.
5Afghan AfghanisAFN؋
6Australian DollarsAUD$
7Bangladeshi TakasBDT
8Bahraini DinarsBHD.د.ب
9Bruneian DollarsBND$
10Brazilian RealsBRLR$
12Canadian DollarsCAD$
13Chinese Renminbi YuansCNY¥
14Algerian DinarsDZDد.ج
15Egyptian PoundsEGP
16Ghanaian CedisGHSGH₵
17Hong Kong DollarsHKD$
18Indonesian RupiahsIDRRp
19Indian RupeesINR
20Iraqi DinarsIQDد.ع
21Jordanian DinarsJODJD
22Japanese YensJPY¥
23Kenyan ShillingsKESKSh
24Kuwaiti DinarsKWDك
25Lebanese PoundsLBPل.ل.
26Sri Lankan RupeesLKR
27Libyan DinarsLYDل.د
28Moroccan DirhamsMADد.م.
29Burmese/Myanma KyatsMMKK
30Mauritian RupeesMURRs
31Maldivian RufiyaasMVRRf
32Malaysian RinggitsMYRRM
33Nigerian NairasNGN
34Norwegian KronesNOKkr
35Nepalese RupeesNPRRs
36New Zealand DollarsNZD$
37Omani RialsOMR
38Philippine PesosPHP
39Pakistani RupeesPKR
40Qatari RiyalsQAR
41Russian RublesRUB
42Saudi RiyalsSARر.س.
43Sudanese PoundsSDGج.س.
44Swedish KronasSEKkr
45Singapore DollarsSGD$
46Syrian PoundsSYPLS
47Thai BhatsTHB฿
48Tunisian DinarsTNDDT
49Turkish LirasTRY
50South African RandsZARR

Is your local currency missing? Let us know in the comments below or via the contact form and we can have it added it for you within 24 hours, insha Allah.


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